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In a time of conflicting sources and misinformation, USAFacts and U.S. News & World Report are partnering to provide reliable government data. Follow the facts for a better understanding of the government’s response to COVID-19 and issues that will play a role in the 2020 presidential election, including healthcare, jobs and unemployment, and immigration. Stay informed with nonpartisan numbers on government spending proposals, the state of the economy, population changes, and much more.
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As COVID-19 spreads throughout the country, USAFacts is tracking the top numbers to watch to best understand the virus's impact.
A recently released report from the Department of Homeland Security shows a significant drop in refugee arrivals since 2016.
In recent years, as the elderly population has increased, Medicare participation has grown to 18% of the population. However, for those not enrolled in the program, some aspects may be surprising.
Medicare paid for 30% of the $333 billion spent prescription drugs in 2017. We’ve made an interactive graphic displaying how Medicare’s spending on more than 2,800 drugs have changed in recent years
A combination of demographics and policy changes may point to an answer.
Jobs & Unemployment
How many people are earning $7.25 an hour? It’s different in each state.
Since 1952, the United States has imported more energy than it’s exported. But that could soon change. According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), the US is poised to become a net exporter, trading more energy resources to other countries than it takes in.
The 0.6 percentage point decrease from 2017 to 2018 is the first decline in insurance rates since the Affordable Care Act went into effect.
The GDP has grown and jobs have increased over the decade, but that growth hasn’t been uniform across industries and states.
The middle class is affected by the same demographic shifts as the wider nation, namely an aging population and a decrease in marriages.
Trade & Tariffs
The impact of the tariff battle between the United States and China will vary at the state level, as each state has a different trading relationship with China.
The highest recorded monthly apprehension volume was in March 2000, when over 220,000 people were apprehended at the Southwest border.