Where do refugees resettle in the US?

About 1.5 million people immigrated to the US in 2021.
The foreign-born share of the population rose from a low of 4.7% in 1970 to 12.4% in 2005. The upward trend relatively flattened after that and has remained above 12% every year since.
A higher share of immigrants is also between the ages of 25 and 54, the ages when people are most likely to be employed. Fifty-five percent of immigrants are in this age group, compared with 36% of native-born people.
The federal government spent $19.9 billion (about 0.3% of all its spending) on immigration and border security last year. After adjusting for inflation, this was the fourth-highest level of spending since at least 1980.
Border encounters have increased annually since 2017 except for 2020.
The drop is partly related to COVID-19 restrictions and less immigration in 2020. About 71% of FY 2021 removals were for criminal offenses, the top three offenses being for drugs, immigration, or assault.
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