Data says domestic violence incidents are down, but half of all victims don’t report to police

Crime & Justice
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The COVID-19 pandemic caused fewer local jail admissions, state and federal prison admissions, and declines in the 2020 probation population.
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Prisoner populations declined 11% between 2009 and 2019, but this decline accelerated in 2020 due to pandemic-driven trial and sentencing delays.
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Plus, the proportion of the prison population that was Black or Hispanic decreased from 58% to 55%, while the proportion of the nation's Black or Hispanic population rose from 28% to 31%.
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Arrests for each of the top 3 most-common offenses dropped, but drug abuse arrests declined the most, seeing a 31% drop in 2020.
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According to preliminary 2021 data from 85% of police departments, murders increased 29.4% between 2019 and 2020. Burglaries decreased 7.4%. Compared to the 1991 peaks, however, reported violent crime and property crime were down 49.2% and 62.0% in 2020, respectively.
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There were 934,700 police officers in the United States in 2020, accounting for 6% of all state and local government full-time employees. 2021 police data is not yet available.
Use-of-force data is limited and delayed, with 41% of federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies providing use-of-force data to the FBI in 2021. This represented 54% of officers nationwide.
Crime & Justice
Fifty-four percent of all firearm deaths were suicides — 43% were homicides.
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